Tells the story of the bitter adventures of Joe & Clara in dealing with two criminals who stole the Coffee Robot. The kidnapper is a child human...
Joe & Robot Kopi
Following six different characters in four different stories: Dimas, a rude and selfish employee; Roby, a reckless and awkward nerd; Stefanny, a...
Strangers with Memories
As a new student, Tantri arrives at a hostel. But unexpectedly, in that hostel, Tantri discovers a terrible connection with spells and curses in her...
Mantra Surugana
The making of Makbul Mubarak's debut feature film "Autobiography" (2022).
Ganes, who wanted to continue his studies, took a part-time job outside of his main job which made him involved in a conflict involving two disputing...
Setengah Hati
Bayu, who is a member of elite national soccer team U-15, wants to prove that he can bring his team to win ASEAN junior competition in Jakarta. With...
Garuda in My Heart 2
A big-city detective investigates a series of gruesome murders along the Indonesia-Malaysia border — forcing her to confront ghosts from her...
Borderless Fog
An overbearing mother who lives with her son in a secluded crocodile farm spirals out of control when her son sees the outside world and falls for a...
Crocodile Tears
Victim of atrocities by motorbike gangs in Cirebon, VINA did not accept that her death was called a single accident. Her spirit enters to reveal the...
Vina: Before 7 Days
Torn between reuniting with one family and leaving another behind, Doel must choose between the two women he loves.
The End of Doel's Love Story
Life at a boarding school descends into chaos when a teacher instructs his students to perform a forbidden ritual that summons their...
On the night of the orphan's Eid celebration, Aldi and Eka exchanged pranks to fight over compensation money from various parties and even parties...
The night seemed so wrong
Zainab (80 years) who lives in the house of his youngest child in the village had to move to the house of KIKI (47 years), her eldest son who lives...
Berdamai Dengan Raqib dan Atid
After witnessing her parent’s death, May develops a condition that renders her unconscious every time she steps on land. Her grandfather, Tuha,...
Tale of the Land
Modus Operandi tells the story of three journalists who are at a loss in their careers and romance, disguised as fried rice cooks to expose a banking...
Modus Operandi
Fabi faces a dilemma when his long-hidden feelings for Cindy, Mirza's girlfriend and friend, surface amidst troubles in Mirza and Cindy's...
Ckckck (First Series): Colong Kagak
After being trained in the art of silat, a disciple gets sent on a journey by his mentor to take down a treacherous e-pupil with a villainous plan.
Wiro Sableng: 212 Warrior
Team beat Vietnam in the AFF U-19 Cup, 2013, in Sidoarjo and entitled to bring home the first trophy earned by the Indonesian national team since 22...
Garuda 19: Petrified Spirit
Students of two different high schools, infamous for their rivalry in school brawls, are gathered together to be disciplined by Lt. Col. Rahmat.
Maromi found a slipper. Inem, the owner of the slipper, is a maid at Ida and Moko's family, Maromi's employee. Maromi then meets with Inem and does...
Inem Pelayan Sexy New
After the death of his father, Roy moved to Serang with his mother. He is different from most boys and that makes him liked by lots of girls in his...
The Ballads of Roy
Sarawak, in the northeast of the island of Borneo, 1839. Almost by chance, the British adventurer James Brooke is appointed rajah by the Sultan of...
Edge of the World
A young man is working as a housekeeper in an empty mansion. When its owner returns to start his mayoral election campaign, the young man bonds with...
Rudi, a freelance graphic designer, is too absorbed in his career and dies suddenly from exhaustion. When his spirit is reaped by Death, Rudi refuses...
A Date with the Death
A crossroads in a village can grant any wish at the expense of the supplicant's most precious possession, binding them to repentance, forgiveness,...
Cross Road
Plot unknown.
Cristine: Tidak Seperti Yang Kamu Lihat
Newly married, Norma hopes for a happy marriage with her husband. Her husband has been well received by Norma's family and he has a close...
NORMA: Antara Mertua dan Menantu
In a city divided by a wall, two brothers living outside the affluent Zone struggle to save their ill mother. While Dino seeks The Zone Work Permit...
Makwan City of Dreams - The Silvermen
Faced with financial difficulties, Sari agrees to be a blind date stand-in for Yasmin, her best friend—unaware that her date turns out to be...
A Business Proposal