The story of Ibrahim, a young teacher, who finds oddities in the life of the village he will live in. His life was influenced by Pak Harun's moral...
The Narrow Bridge
A newly-married woman and former prostitute whose husband, a ship's captain, has gone to sea, is pressured into returning to her old profession. When...
Sundel Bolong
A group of youths go to a jungle in West Java to hunt. Their arrival angers the witchcraft-practicing occupant of an old house. When one of the...
Goddess of Night
Following the trend for dangdut musicals, such as the successful ones starring Rhoma Irama, Elvy Sukaesih, and A. Rafiq, this film even features a...
Yeah, Right...
A desperate young woman whose mother is terminally ill is forced to go to work in a beauty salon cum brothel until her angry friend loses it and goes...
In the Embrace of Sin
Ateng has felt how difficult it is to live with his stepmother. He is often being shouted at and even gets slapped. His father never stands by him....
Kejamnya Ibu Tiri Tak Sekejam Ibu Kota
Plot Unknown
For You, I'll Give Everything
Indonesian film about a Punjabi girl getting tricked into living with a big time pimp. Uncle MG as they call him, abducts virgins, and forces them to...
Escape from Hellhole
Spoof based (loosely) on an old Indonesian film, which has had the old foreign soundtrack removed and replaced by an over-dubbed English track....
Ferocious Female Freedom Fighters
Johar (George Rudy) is a young man who is very lucky because he has succeeded in captivating Midah (Eva Arnaz), the village flower that is being...
Midah Perawan Buronan
To restore Soraya's spirit of life, her uncle managed to persuade Rafiq, who looks like Husain, Soraya's deceased lover, to pretend. This makes...