Set during the last days of the Tokugawa (Edo) Period, Moeyo-ken tells the story of Hijikata Toshizo and the Shinsengumi. Hijikata Toshizo is a...
The Blazing Sword
はだか大名 前篇
Lost for 70 years until 2022, Shimizu’s second postwar film recalls Mr. Thank You as he frames the narrative in a familiar setting, tracking an...
Tomorrow There Will Be Fine Weather
Arima Neko
The Color Print of Edo is a 1939 black and white Japanese silent film with benshi accompaniment directed by Kazuo Mori. It is a cheerful period...
A Color Print of Edo
The day to day life in an establishment for delinquent teenage girls.
Girl's Reform School
Film about Ghost-Cat.
Monster Cat Akabe Daimyojin