For his first animation of a Carte blanche Just for Laughs, Jean-Thomas Jobin relies on an unexpected ally, the drag-queen Rita Baga. On stage, their...
Gala JPR 2021 - Les Soirées Carte Blanche Jean-Thomas Jobin et Rita Baga
In 1987, Marcel Béliveau appeared on French TV show 'Surprise Sur Prises' and opened the doors of France to his fellow Québec...
Drôles de Québecois
On December 23, the holiday season is in full force and the destinies of strangers intertwine: a hardened bachelor wants to find love; a couple...
Two Days Before Christmas
Yvon Deschamps, Patrick Huard, Louis-Josée Houde, Martin Matte, Mariana Mazza... For its final classic Gala in French, Juste Pour Rire...
The Final Gala: Quebec Comedy Legends
Virginie Fortin: Mes Sentiments
Virginie Fortin: Du bruit dans le cosmos
Arielle is experiencing depression. Overwhelmed by her loneliness and the disorder in her apartment, she strives to reconnect with those around her...
Juste Pour Rire 2017 - Gala Juste Engagé
Juste Pour Rire 2017 - Gala Juste Sketchs
Le SNL de Magalie Lépine-Blondeau
Montreux Comedy Festival 2018 - Crème
Donovan, est-ce toi?
Derrière un micro - Paris-Montréal