This rather unconventional Western movie is set in the middle of the 19th century in Arizona. The film portrays an Indian tribe, the Mimbreno...
After the revolution of December 1989, Romania is in full transition. Incertainty and chaos have followed Ceausescu's downfall. Fane, a worker in a...
Look Ahead with Anger
An architect discovers the animal inside her after she falls prey to an ancient curse on a visit to her Welsh homeland.
Huntress: Spirit of the Night
A description of Romania before Ceausescu's downfall, through the story of Nela. Daughter of a former colonel of the Securitate, the romanian...
The Oak
It is late in the Ceausescu era in Romania, and Cristina is having a difficult time with her boyfriend. He wants her to have sex with him before he...
Sundays on Leave
The son of Pantalone, the honest Venetian merchant, Lelio Bisognosi, the liar, is a brilliant young man wandering the world. For twenty years he...
On the eve of the Romanian Revolution of 1989, two American spies are sent undercover to retrieve a list of East Bloc agents working in the west.
Point Zero
The story of two men working with the underground movement in 1934.
Fatally Injured by Love of Life
Divorț... din dragoste
Depicts Romania during World War II, focusing on the Royal Coup that toppled Ion Antonescu, the Axis-allied Conducător and authoritarian Prime...
Two friends, closer than brothers, working together, staying in the same room, playing together.
Passo Doble
Crew for Singapore
An exiled filmmaker finally returns to his home country where former mysteries and afflictions of his early life come back to haunt him once more.
Ulysses' Gaze
A typesetter is in search of an anonymous hero that saved two children.
An Item of News
In August 1944 Romania, a group of telephone operators are caught in the events in a new center placed in a forest to evade bombardment.
The Beech Forest
A Romanian soldier deserts during the March '90 conflict from Tg. Mures. He hides at a cantonment where he starts a love story with the cantoner's...
War in the Kitchen
Too busy to solve an urgent production issue, he fails to notice the women that he keeps bumping into.
A Spare Moment
Neagu's father appears unexpectedly as he and his family prepare to leave for vacation. He is having an argument with his wife, so his father,...
The Great Vacation
Péter and Pál, two notorious skirt hunters competing in wooing Oana, a pretty Romanian girl on the beach at Tihany. A couple of days...
A Cloudless Vacation
Paul Vasiliu, a geologist, returns to his native village. Excavating for irrigation works gives him the opportunity to discover some valuable...
Mireasma ploilor târzii
In WWI a group of Romanian soldiers from Transylvania desert the german army and consitute a resistance commando group.
Bătălia din umbră
A farm team-leader, Tudor, is accused for having failed the harvesting. Unhappy with what he considers an unfair verdict, he leaves the farm and...
Niște băieți grozavi