Part of the Daughters of the Country series, this film, set in the 1850s, unfolds against the backdrop of the Hudson's Bay Company's monopoly of the...
Mistress Madeleine
The Indspire Awards reach a significant milestone as 2023 marks 30 years of honouring dedicated and community-focused First Nations, Inuit and...
Indspire Awards 2023
Teevee Tenia has a plan - he intends to persuade Lynx River to dump the RCMP and establish an all Dene Police Force. But Corporal Michelle Kenidi is...
Distant Drumming: A North of 60 Mystery
Blood may be thicker than water, but when RCMP officer Michelle Kenidi’s brother becomes a suspect in a deadly case of arson, only one thing...
Trial By Fire: A North of 60 Mystery
The body of a trapper from the community of Swan Landing washes up on the banks of Lynx River while the two towns are in bitter negotiations over a...
Dream Storm: A North of 60 Mystery
Someone – or something – is stalking the woods of Lynx River, a small isolated town in the unforgiving wilderness. When a geologist on...
In the Blue Ground: A North of 60 Mystery
While in Calgary on business for Lynx River Resources, Teevee Tenia is in the wrong place at the wrong time. A troubled young native woman reaches...
Another Country: A North of 60 Mystery
Set within the fluidity of time, touch, realism and reverie. Some may call this magic realism. Based within Indigenous knowledge and way of life,...
A young Native child struggles with her identity.
For Angela
A world-famous Anishinaabe musician returns to the reserve to rest and recharge — only to discover that fame (and the outside world) are not...
Falls Around Her
The disappearance of a young Cree woman in Toronto traumatizes her Northern Ontario family, and sends her twin sister on a journey south to find her.
Through Black Spruce
This film follows the aftermath of the Oka crisis, which brought Indigenous rights into sharp focus. After the barricades came down, the Royal...
No Turning Back
A recently-deposed Central American dictator re-locates to a small town in Northern Manitoba and starts a new repressive regime.
Smoked Lizard Lips
In wintry Winnipeg a man struggling to keep the poor lodging he can find meets a homeless man lugging around an unopened electric heater. They cook...