Gouranga, a young man in 1960s rural Bengal, embarks on a journey where he encounters not only the local myths about a supernatural presence, but...
The Exile
Dia used to be a dancer, a musician, a talented woman with friends and a lover. The inability to use her legs has now confined her to a wheelchair.
A loner in a city must make a choice to avoid trouble.
The Goldfish Who Swam Out of the Fish
A man's discovery of his own sexuality against all odds and finding himself in the process.
Miss Man
Soumya left home when he was young. He was a closeted gay and feared of his parents' non-acceptance if he came out to them. But years later, he gets...
Valley of Memories
A detective must find the truth before it's too late
The Demon
Rizwan, a migrant worker has walked back all the way to his hometown from Delhi due to the nationwide lockdown as the corona virus hit India. Out of...
a film directed by Tathagata Ghosh
This is not a Documentary!
A Bengali movie directed by Satrajit Sen and produced by Meghdut RoyChowdhury.
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