Investigative journalist Alf Winters (Morrison), meets his American girlfriend, Melissa Jones (Eilbacher), at Auckland airport. As they park outside...
Never Say Die
Al Shaw's life revolves around motor racing and his back country junkyard, the "Smash Palace". His French wife, Jacqui, doesn't appreciate the lack...
Smash Palace
In rural New Zealand, Harry and Eric are middle-aged men whose aged, tyrannical mother runs their lives. When she dies, serious questions come to the...
Willy Nilly
A young woman searches for her identity by joining a "free love" hippie commune, against the wishes of her darkly possessive widowed father. The...
Young Lonny comes from America to visit his Auntie Leah (Evision) and Grandfather Cooger (Lewis). There is something magical about Cooger and when he...
My Grandpa Is a Vampire