West Texas, in the 1960's. A tale of two 12-year-olds who embark on an adventure to find new parents in order to escape their unhappy and emotionally...
Have Dreams, Will Travel
The story of a bad boy hoodie & his gang that dominate their zone on a notorious South London Estate, and five families struggle with every day...
The Estate
Amidst a sea of litigation, two New York City divorce lawyers find love.
Laws of Attraction
Our hero Adam gets drawn into a web of intrigue as evidence is planted on him of a gay royal affair.
Surveillance 24/7
Deaf and mute since having his hearing knocked out at the age of 12, Asher has been training for almost two decades to avenge himself on Ivan, the...
My Father, Die
When Evil Calls centers around the mysterious appearance of a text message that grants the students of Wilburn High School their wildest desires.
When Evil Calls
A group of friends awake one morning to find all electricity and power shut off and an immense alien aircraft hovering in the air above their heads....
When his fiancee is kidnapped by human traffickers, Roman and his ex-military brothers set out to track her down and save her before it is too late....
Acts of Violence
An uncompromising portrait of the struggles of a resplendent teenager with an anarchic spirit, fighting to maintain her existence in the bleak urban...
Gangster Kittens
When one school teacher gets the other fired, he is challenged to an after-school fight.
Fist Fight