A documentary that follows Rogéria's life and artistic trajectory from the duality between artist and character, between Rogéria and...
Rogéria, Senhor Astolfo Barroso Pinto
Gafanhoto is a smuggler who tries to take a hit by stealing a valuable stone. He awakens the fury of the old boss of the gang, and ends up involving...
A Maldição do Sanpaku
Several characters realize their personal way to build their own identity from the choice of genre. Transsexual, transgender, crossdressing –...
Tie and Red Nail
Mulheres no Poder
In a fictitious country, a civil servant receives the greatest inheritance in history (ten trillion dollars) and is confined by authorities to...
The Man Who Bought the World
Eight iconic performers of the first generation of Brazilian transvestite artists go on stage to celebrate their 50th career jubilee. The film...
Divine Divas
O Sexualista
A caboclo's soul wanders through purgatory (or hell), visiting many places until he boards a ship whose destination is unknown.
O Gigante da América
Gugu is a homosexual dressmaker who works with his mother in her studio. She does everything to get him married and after much insistence, he agrees...
Gugu, o Bom de Cama
This documentary is about the artistic trajectory of Edvaldo Souza, aka Edy star, the flamboyant gay singer, actor, dancer, theatrical producer,...
Antes que Me Esqueçam, Meu Nome É Edy Star