The film, which deals with the birth and rise of the Prestige Music generation, tells the passions and life struggles of artists, including...
Prestij Meselesi
Mesut, a civil servant who returns his hometown to bury his mother, is dragged into by his younger brother Musa to a treasure hunt and finds himself...
Benim Adım Feridun
Close friends Ferhat and Aslı realize that they need to be together after they are abandoned by their lovers. In the third year of their...
We Are Happy
Anka Kuşu
Döngel Kârhanesi
Murat and Duygu are deeply in love and when they graduate from College Murat takes the leap and asks Duygu for her hand in marriage but he doesn't...
Hot Sweet Sour
Veteran homicide cop Fermanand his hot-headed partner İdris team up with rookie cop and anthropology major Hasan to investigate the murder of a...
Hunting Season