Sequel of "Rock" (2005). Tells about Amy's life after he was kicked out of Rimba Bara. When Zul Kapan, the current vocalist is quit from the band for...
Rock Oo! Rimba Bara Kembali
A Malaysian museum organises an exhibition on western ghosts and goblins in an effort to attract more visitors to the museum. However, the exhibition...
Usop Wilcha : Menghonjang Makhluk Muzium
Tak Kisahlah Beb is a Malay movie published in 1989. The film was issued in the form of color film. It starred Faizal Hussein, Melissa Saila and...
Tak Kisahlah Beb
Rival gangs fight for pride and ego in a world destroyed by chemical warfare. Apokalips X” tells the story of human civilization after the...
Apokalips X
This coming out of age romance film tells of a teen named Rozana who lives with his sister in a very wealthy influential family. One day she meets...
Rozana Cinta 87
Tsu Feh, a Chinese female doctor, converted to Islam and changed her name to Sofiah. After opening her clinic, she took a vacation to an island, far...
Tsu Feh Sofiah
Bujang newly arrived in the capital have inadvertently collided with Osman Rats (played by Habib preta) in stop Puduraya.Osman is a pickpocket @...
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