Bou Thakuranir Haat is a Bengali drama film directed by Naresh Mitra based on a novel of Rabindranath Tagore in the same name, published in 1883. The...
Bou Thakuranir Haat
A love-triangle story revolving around an upper-class Bengali hero. Satyendra, the son of a zamindar, experiences the conflict between family duty...
Andhare Alo
Giribala explores the life of a neglected wife who finds liberation and success through the world of theatre. Based on a Rabindranath Tagore short...
Maanbhanjan explores the complexities of love, obsession, and identity. The story follows a neglected wife who finds solace and empowerment through...
Durgeshnandini is a sweeping historical drama set against the backdrop of 16th-century India. This epic tale follows the intertwined destinies of...
A 1938 Bengali Drama Film directed by Jyotish Bandyopadhyay.
Bekar Nashan
A 1951 Bengali Thriller Film directed by Naresh Mitra.
Kankal is a social horror drama which shows how a spirit can fulfil its desire with its intense power. The story begins with Abhay being killed by a...
Kshudha is a 1960 Bengali Drama film directed by Panchamitra.
Gora and Mahim were two sons of Krishna Dayal Babu. From childhood, Bijay and Gora were friends. Through an accident, Bijay was introduced to Paresh...
Ramshankar is a poor man who lives with his family. He arranges his daughter's marriage with an old man. Soon, she returns home as a widow and...
Annapurnar Mandir