This satirical comedy revolves around Tatah, a maladjusted, poor man from Abdeen who befriends a woman online with help from his nephew. Just as his...
Henedy plays Taimor, a Young man studies music. He loves his colleague and intends to marry her. Her mother, who believes in magic, refuses their...
Me or My Aunt
Set in the 70's, A middle-aged man, Adel is raised by his strict grandfather who he was deeply inspired by. he met his first love, Nadia who later...
The Crime
A group of friends gathers to celebrate the wedding of two of them, and they suggest spending the night role-playing and doing charades where they...
Hide and Seek
Pasha Palace
A former minister decides to leave the bustling city and its problems and isolate himself on the northern coast to enjoy the tranquility, but the...
The resort
Follows the escape journey of 4 complete strangers who were accused of a murder they did not commit.
Forced Escape
The stories of five men and women connected together by romantic relationships, and how they get influenced by the social transformations of the past...
Sukkar Mor
Zay el naharda is a movie starring Basma, Rania Chahine, and Mahmoud El-Bezzawy. History literally repeats itself when May meets and falls in love...
On A Day Like Today
"Omar" is back from abroad to divide his fortune to his family of nine members equally, but he tells them that his money is cursed, and the curse...
30 Years Ago
Mohamed Hussein, a chauffeur at a 5-star hotel, is accused by the police of murdering a famous painter who had just arrived from Paris and was...
Mohamed Hussein
Four men are on a special operation that they have to do their best to complete successfully, as secrets about their lives gradually unfold.
Special Operations
When an accident causes a couple to lose their memory of the last ten years, they get into a lot of comedic situations.
Nos Gawaza
Playboy Amr (Ahmed Eid) studies at the Faculty of Medicine, he lives a careless life between the use of drugs and neglect of study, and then falls in...
I Am Not With Them
Mahmoud is a professor of acting, who lives an isolated life, a shift in his personality occurs when he discovers the betrayal of his wife with a...
Double Faces
It deals with the story of a couple who, 5 years after their marriage, discover some facts about their lives for the first time
For the First Time