In the framework of a comedy, a visual artist who manages to communicate and telepathically becomes involved with a criminal named Abyssinian the...
Bermuda Square
The events revolve around the Rushdie Building in Alexandria, which revolves around a number of terrifying myths and tales, as it is rumored that it...
Roshdy Building
Family secrets is the first Egyptian movie openly discussing homosexuality. "Based on a true story", Marwan who is a homosexual goes through a spiral...
Family Secrets
Three stories take place over the course of a single day in Cairo. Lila, a retired actress, is looking for Sameh, her last co-star. Salma, is dating...
Cairo Time
The film revolves around "young" are forced to lie at the beginning of his life as a result of the difficult conditions experienced by the passage of...
El Rajul El Ghamid Bisalamatoh
A wife gives birth to sextuplets, forcing the husband to sell three of their children due to poverty. When the wife finds out, she decides to leave...
Ashbah Europa
A psychologist conducts a study on a group of corrupt ministers to uncover the psychological reasons that led them to this path. As she follows the...
After the Flood