An armful of destitute orphans transported to the New World at the turn of the century. This is the turbulent and moving story of four British...
Heaven On Earth
A high school is rocked by a contentious debate over whether or not "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" should be removed from its library for...
The Day They Came to Arrest the Book
Out of work and driving aimlessly, a man pulls into the "Wolf Lodge" and ends up with a job. When he wakes nightly to the sounds of icy voices and...
Into the Fire
"To Catch a Killer" tells the true gruesome story of John Wayne Gacy - a good friend and helpful neighbour, a great child entertainer, a respectful...
To Catch a Killer
A deranged, misogynistic killer assaults a journalist. When he discovers that she survived the attack, he follows her to the hospital to finish her...
Visiting Hours
Burt, a clever ex-con, has changed his identity and has managed to land a job as a deputy in small town in upstate New York. On the 4th of July,...
Hot Money
Short written by Joe Wiesenfeld based on a short story by Timothy Findley.
Going to War