To find the truth a man must sacrifice one thing...his life. Based on the short story by renowned author Max Lucado, Resurrection is set in Israel...
When Joe's mom breaks her big left toe, Bob the Tomato decides to help. Larry and Joe offer their 'superhero' help, too, but that's not exactly what...
VeggieTales: Bob Lends a Helping Hand
Once upon a time, there lived a royally sour blueberry, a fair rhubarb maiden and a dastardly deceptive mirror! Sweetpea Beauty knows that what's on...
VeggieTales: Sweetpea Beauty
It was the biggest football game of his life and Stewart (Larry the Cucumber) had a chance to win it all. Injured in one bad play, his hopes of...
VeggieTales: It's a Meaningful Life
When Dr. Flurry wants to freeze the town of Bumblyburg in fear the problem's too big for LarryBoy alone. Enter The League of Incredible Vegetables!
VeggieTales: The League of Incredible Vegetables