Newly discharged from the Israeli Army, Ra'ed, a Bedouin from an unrecognized village in the Negev desert, is determined to save his family's failing...
In Paris during WWII, an Algerian immigrant is inspired to join the resistance by his unexpected friendship with a Jewish man. Based on not very...
Free Men
The film captures the daily duality of three young Palestinian women in Tel Aviv, caught between hometown tradition and big city abandon, and the...
In Between
In the city of Jaffa; a young girl plans to run away with her secret lover, when a tragedy forever changes the course of their lives. Jaffa is a...
Two young men, one Israeli and one Palestinian, discover they were accidentally switched at birth.
The Other Son
Tai is 17 years old. Naim is 20. She's Israeli. He's Palestinian. She lives in Jerusalem. He lives in Gaza. They were born in a land of scorched...
A Bottle in the Gaza Sea