Digno is an ordinary man with extraordinary strengths. He is known to his fellow townspeople as Markado the knight in shining Armour. However, his...
Sandalyas Ni Zafira
Ang Bahay na Bato sa Latian
Tatlong Baraha
A 1990 Filipino comedy film by Mike Relon Makiling.
Katabi Ko'y Mamaw
Popular comic strip character comes to life.
Mister Wong
A bank teller and avid detective-story reader lives out her sleuthing fantasies when she meets real-life bank robbers.
Ibalik Ang Swerti!
Filipino movie about an invisible man.
Mister X
A True-To-Life Story of "Adiong" The Terror of Tondo...A Story of Bravery in Action.
Adiong Sikat ng Tondo