The intense thriller follows two homeless siblings who turn to the criminal world to survive. Their new life lives take a radical turn when the goods...
It is highly probable that before their own death, everyone has to organise someone else’s funeral. This is by far not an easy task. In...
Feature Film About Life
Is anything changing in life when in a film your characters death, mourning the loss of beloved one - parents, children is played? In Life After...
Life After Death
It is a gentle sense story about floor scraping and friends that just have moved in together.
Floor Scrapers
German artist Adolf Menzel's unfinished painting Kircheninneres comes to life in a vision of a post-apocalyptic world where modern society is left in...
After the National Performing Arts Awards, the bus of actors returns home: everyone was nominated, but no one won. The bus is filled with thank-you...
The Nominees
Second part (despite the number 3 in the title) of the Lithuanian black comedy about the local police force.
What's Your Emergency? 3
After 30 years of exile in Paris, Jana travels back to Vilnius. She wants to see again the lake that Paulius, her first love, called...
A blue screen informs that war has begun. What will be needed? Collect the men, find guns, or maybe someone will give them. We need a location, a...
The Flood Won’t Come
When Marija learns that her unstable boyfriend has disappeared, she takes to the streets in an attempt to find him.
With gentle irony, “Cinephilia” unmasks the illusion of film. Characters migrate through the worlds of reality and fantasy, in...
Lithuanian provincial town is facing the economic crisis in 2008. Vytas gets fired from the factory. Pushed by his wife, he immediately starts...
The Saint
Mystical thriller about an investigation carried out by three characters into the disappearance of the residents of a small town. The film is...
Poilsiautojai: pavydo žaidynės
Dainius, a young rock singer, locks himself away in a secluded country house surrounded by swamps. Hoping to meet his beloved in dreamland, the...
Songs for a Fox
The world's hardest - and weirdest - heavy metal band Impaled Rektum is serving their sentence in Norway's nicest prison. They receive word that...
Heavier Trip