Two Singaporean girls join together to form the Papaya Sisters, a getai group that sings at performances during the seventh lunar month. Big Papaya...
"Happy Go Lucky" seeks to tackle the issue of gambling in a light-hearted yet touching manner. Hardcore gambler, Hock Lee Poh (Richard Low) is an...
Happy Go Lucky
A hopeless uncle & nephew pair, Mark Gao and Xiao Hui, live their everyday lives scamming people and selling pirated DVDs. When their illegal...
As a child, Lian Hua dreamed of becoming a performer in Singapore's Getai shows, concerts staged the same month each year and featuring emotionally...
12 Lotus
Alisa is a beautiful runway model but she is also a snob. Because of a curse, her body becomes overweight overnight. With the help of her obese...
Fat Hope
Everybody's Business is a light-hearted satire on Singapore and Singaporeans from different walks of life. When Singapore is hit with a widespread...
Everybody's Business
When her seven-year-old son dies in a tragic road accident, a grieving mother, Jia En, seeks the help of her former caregiver, Mdm Seetoh, to bring...
Bring Back the Dead
Parking attendant Fei Fei has always dreamed of becoming a singer, like her famous namesake – the legendary Taiwanese singer Fong Fei Fei. Fei...
When Su Yu, a free-spirited diving instructor, says “Yes” to Nuo Yan, a modern funeral director, she imagines a simple, peaceful wedding....
The Big Day
Mr Unbelievable tells the story of Eric Kwek Hock Seng, who takes it upon himself to the symbol of national pride. As his Shifu’s Getai...
Mr. Unbelievable
"Homecoming" is about three stories of three different individuals going home for Chinese New Year. A major highlight of the movie is that Jack Neo,...
King of Hawkers centres around Zhang Nala (Dawn), who returns to Singapore from Hong Kong to restart her life at her family-run bak chor mee stall...
King Of Hawkers