After a break-up, a college professor, Xiao, molds his maidservant, Yu, into an independent, modern woman, then marries her. However, their...
Far Away Love
Before the liberation of Shanghai, Nationalist agent Zhang Rong is ordered to blend in with the captive workers of the Baotong Mill and wait for a...
The Might of the People
The story about an old man and a peony fairy.
The Old Man and the Fairy
This movie is based on the true story, which happened in Shan-Dong Province of China during World War II. It is based on a collection of memoirs of...
Railroad Guerrilla
Invisible Battlefront
Twelve-year-old Hai Wa sends a secret letter containing Japanese military information to the Eight Route Army during the anti-Japanese war.
The Letter with Feathers
The clan law of the Yang family works against the relationships of a widow and her daughter until a new marriage law is enacted after liberation.
A Wave of Unrest
The sailors on a Kuomintang warship revolt, arrest their officers and defect to the Chinese People's Liberation Army.
Soul of the Sea
The film tells the story of Zhang Yilin who, after marrying the bureaucrat Shi Zifan, attempted suicide because she could not bear the oppression of...