The story of Mahulbanir Sereng is a narrative revolving around the triangular love story of Aghore (Pijush Ganguly), with his wife Saheli (Chandrayee...
Mahulbanir Sereng
The trio of Feluda, Jatayu, and Tapesh have been invited to Panihati to investigate the case of Jahangir's missing gold coin. The client, Shankar...
Jahangirer Swarnamudra
Rimi's offering is completed by her mother, Kalyani, who doesn't allow her imperfect father to come to her marriage ceremony.
A movie about her girl who lived her live on the principles of self-esteem. Since married a person of her Love when she did not get that respect from...
Adapted from "Dui nomberer asami" written by Nilanjan Chaterjee. 'Kaler Rakhal' ( The Understudy), is a musical depicting the lives of colorful...
The Understudy
A technician's accident in the studio causes cancellation of the shooting of a film. The cast decides to utilize the forced vacation for a group...
Chha-e Chhuti
A young man negotiates his erotic and thanatotic drives.
Calcutta Unabashed
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose: The Forgotten Hero (also known as Bose: The Forgotten Hero) is a 2005 film directed by Shyam Benegal and starring Sachin...
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose: The Forgotten Hero
Simulpur is a village that believes in superstition so much that the local zamindar uses this ignorance to his advantage until they are all awoken...
A love story of a rowdy and rugged Shubho and an educated and graceful Shaon. This totally opposite couple overcomes their differences and saves...
Sedin Dujone
Haralal arranged a fake will and make Rohini, an orphan widow, agreed to change the original will by the fake one.
Krishnakanter Will
It is a story of a young boy Prem whose family has been destroyed by a greedy man. Prem's father had a fledging business which was taken over by...
A tale of two doctors.
Sudhu Tomar Janya
Directed by Ashoke Viswanathan.
Andhakarer Shabdo
Madhabi Is Forced To Leave Her House Because Her Husband Suspects That She Has Been Raped And Impregnated By Goons. Her children leave the house as...
Apan Holo Par
Ek Mutho Chabi is a Bengali feature-film released in September 2005. As the name suggests, the movie does not tell one continuous story over 90...
Ek Mutho Chabi
The story revolves around four individuals struggling to attain emotional stability.
Lord, I Am Rotting Away
The true love between a couple living in a village.
Deepak and Anasuya are an estranged couple, now leading separate lives in Cuttack and Bombay. They meet again after 18 months of separation, at a...
A woman faces conflicts regarding traditional familial roles and political affiliations while on a trip to a remote mountain village.