This Australian crime drama chronicles the life of notorious, keen witted, acid tongued 1920s Melbourne gangster Squizzy Taylor. Wormy and...
Squizzy Taylor
Following the death of his wife, mountain cattleman, Ben Lomax leaves the high country but is forced to return when he learns his prize stallion is...
High Country
Three beautiful girls decide to escape their upper class private school for a weekend and take off to a remote resort town. Unfortunately, the town...
Desolation Angels
Set in 1980's Australia, this is the true story of a woman whose husband eventually reveals to her that he is an active member of the Nazi party. A...
Before shady businessman John Singer disappeared off Bondi Beach, his name meant money--big and small, clean and dirty--a man absorbed in a world of...
The Empty Beach
Azaria Chamberlain was not killed by a dingo but saved and raised by said dingos. She is raised in an incestuous dingo environment and travels back...
Detective James Quinlan has left his alcoholic wife, sprouting a bloom of insecurity, anger and self-motivation within him to expose the corrupt...
The Custodian
A man approaching a midlife crisis has a fantasy affair with a waitress.
Fantasy Man