Dressed as a clown, the clever rascal Grimm holds up the most secure bank of Montreal and takes 30 hostages. While confusing and ridiculing the...
In this short film, a young woman of mixed ancestry struggles with an Equal Opportunity Form that requires her to respond to the dilemma: Ethnicity -...
Boxed In
1926. The Chinese Civil War. Drifter Ted Beaubien is captured and forced to witness his girlfriend's execution. He finally escapes and vows to avenge...
O MATADOR (The Gunrunner)
La sacrée
A gorgeous, French multi-millionaire comes to Montana to do a deal and photoshoot with a major cosmetics company and meets the woman of his dreams -...
Christmas in Paris
Chronicles a Mossad team hand picked to hunt down the terrorists involved in the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre of Israeli athletes.
Sword of Gideon
The true story about the Canadian cancer amputee hero who decided to run across Canada on only one leg to raise money for cancer research.
The Terry Fox Story