Four friends deemed 'losers' face immense pressure from parents and society upon entering adulthood. Their emotional tale sees them embark on a...
Vaazha: Biopic of a Billion Boys
Set in 2007, at Bengaluru, A game of Ouija board goes hilariously wrong when seven bachelors unexpectedly invite a spirit and try to make the best...
Boney, a carefree man finds his life turned upside down after marriage when hes forced to deal with the restless spirit of his obsessive-compulsive...
Hello Mummy
Vinu, who is still grieving over his breakup from five years ago, develops a strong relationship with Anandan, his prospective brother-in-law, but...
Guruvayoorambala Nadayil
Guathamante Radham revolves around Gauthaman and his journey of getting a driving license and, for the first time in the family, a car of his own....
Gauthamante Radham
During a dysfunctional family's chaotic pilgrimage to a spiritual shrine, their elderly patriarch goes missing.
Life turns topsy turvy for the Kuruvila family when each of them face failures in their lives. Will they overcome it or will they go into disarray?
Tholvi F.C.
A young man's plans to get revenge on a rival are complicated by romance and tragedy in this Malayalam-language drama.
The Pet Detective
Vysanasametham Bandhumithradhikal