The story of a young lawyer who finds herself in a difficult situation when she encounters troubles in her burgeoning career and complications in...
The Lawyer
Dvere dokorán
The drama called I Love, You Love was made in 1980 but because of the absurd ideological ban, the film entered cinemas nine years later. Pišta...
I Love, You Love
Predčasné leto
Výlet do mladosti
Oblaky = modriny
Gábor Vlkolinský
A coming of age story of a thirteen years old teenager and a summer of his first love.
Boyfriends and Girlfriends
Muž, ktorý miloval symfóniu čísel
The film consists of two parts: “Insomnia” and “Departure”. We shall meet Lev Tolstoy in the final years of his life at...
Lev Tolstoy
Drevená figúrka