The program follows the Muppets from their origins in Sam & Friends on local television through commercials, guest appearances, clips from the...
Muppet History 101
Go behind the scenes to witness the magic of the Muppets in this compilation of rare footage of the variety of puppetry created by Jim Henson....
Jim Henson: Behind the Seams
A collection of Jim Henson's commercials, industrial reels, short films and some related talk show appearances. Includes Henson's Oscar nominated...
Jim Henson: Commercials and Experiments
Featuring unprecedented access to Jim Henson's personal archives, filmmaker Ron Howard brings us a fascinating and insightful look at a complex man...
Jim Henson Idea Man
RUN, RUN, a polished live-action effort shot by Jim Henson and Frank Oz in Greenwich, CT in October 1965, is a visualization of the joys of childhood...
Run, Run
A Hollywood agent persuades Kermit the Frog to leave the swamp to pursue a career in Hollywood. On his way there, he meets a bear, a pig, a whatever...
The Muppet Movie
This unaired pilot, produced by Jim Henson and Jerry Juhl, was shot in Atlanta in the summer of 1962. The pilot featured Kermit the Frog, Taminella...
Tales of the Tinkerdee
In this episode of PBS' Great Performances, the history and legacy of puppeteer Jim Henson is explored, from his six-second commercial beginnings to...
The World of Jim Henson
Julie on Sesame Street was one of a series of Julie Andrews TV specials, produced by ATV and distributed by ITC. It was broadcast on ABC on November...
Julie on Sesame Street
Trace the life and career of visionary puppeteer Jim Henson through this fascinating documentary, which profiles the creative genius's early...
Henson's Place: The Man Behind the Muppets
" In a mix of puppetry and animation, Harry demonstrates the Art of Visual Thinking to Kermit—and what it does to you once it gets out of...
Visual Thinking