This film tells the story of two friends, Jack and Jock, with their principle: "life is a series of games and challenges". The challenge is...
Liking Each Other
In his wanderings, Wiro Sableng (Atin Martino) is involved in the business of painting naked women. The painting that the painter wanted to give to...
The Old Ax Warrior Said
Gendon wants to take revenge on Ms. Hilman who has fired him, using a power to become invisible.
The Vanishing of Mystery Science
A young woman hides in a cave to meditate as a hermit until she is bestowed the magical dragon flute.
Magical Dragon Flute
Angga (Chairil JM) witnesses his adoptive father being tortured, but when he tries to rescue him, Angga is thrown into a river. Angga is given his...
Fire Whip
From Cinehound user Kothar: "Two Girls, Mayang and Sekarsari, are trained by an old master. One day her teacher told them that they were adopted by...
Lowo Ijo
An evil witch kidnaps people and turns them into zombies. Two young warriors, a pretty girl and an old master fight against the witch and her helpers...
Demon with the Silver Sickle
Penging (Robert Santoso), the main disciple of Dewa Tuak (Piet Pagau), betrays him. He ran away with an ancient book of his teacher. Dewa Tuak did...
The Sting of a Poisonous Warrior
Sonya, a demonic fighter who has many magical skills, has defeated many martial arts experts and raped many women. He even murders his own eldest...
Demon of Gonggo Gulf
Yet another Indonesian fantasy tale of good vs. evil and the struggle to gain control of an heirloom sword, this time featuring a shape-shifting,...
The Legacy of Reef Knowledge
A jilted, jealous woman hangs herself because she can't keep her fiance in check and then returns from the grave to make sure her former beau is...
Eerie Cemetery
There is a local legend of a spirit known as Wewe Gombel, who can transform into a midwife to steal babies. Asih is pregnant and goes with her...
Wewe Gombel
Dino (Yan Bastian), an adopted child of a former criminal, suffers when his adoptive father is murdered by Bandot (Robin Karim). Dino then works as a...
Revenge of the Abandoned Child
Kadrun and his wife fail to steal the magic amethyst that belongs to the teacher even though they cut off his arm. They are then cursed to live in...
The Magic Amethyst
A couple murdered inside their own home by robbers return as vengeful spirits.
Revenge on Kliwon Friday
A one-handed warrior sets out to avenge his parents death and retrieve the mythical Whip of Fire and Wind, which has been stolen by bad guy Bagaspati.
Three Blood Demons and the Whip of Fire and Wind
Barkah and his son Seta intend on building a religious school in the remote area of Lumut Hitam (Black Moss). Unfortunately, the area is under the...
The Vile in Black Moss
Criminals threaten Suro Mantoro’s North-South trade and his guards are defeated. One of the dead is Srikandi’s father so Srikandi pursues...
Hawk from the South
Martial artist Maini (Sherly Sarita) attempts to rescue her kidnapped sister from a criminal gang.
Female Lion