A screen adaptation of the novel of the same name by the well-known Georgian writer Nodar Dumbadze. This story about love and loyalty, bravery and...
The king, tormented by nightmares, seeks for the best dream to be able to sleep peacefully.
Giorgi follows his son's request and goes to the city to spend the winter. Only Loma, Giorgi's Caucasian shepherd remains in thedeserted village.
Loma, The Forgotten Friend
Lado and Tengiz dream of going to the Batumi Naval Academy, They even take exams, but only Lado manages to pass them. Tengiz continues to dream but...
The Captains
Bata, orphaned by her mother, has gone through a long way of life, and witnessed a lot - the fall of feudalism, revolution, and changing times. He...
Bata Qeqia
The film tells the life of a Georgian woman from 1920s to the present day. Love, marriage, Russian annexation and collectivization, world war, loss...
The Life
Alexander, a war veteran, was appointed as a chief for the young people during the construction of Engurhesi. They are also in the dormitory...
Light In Our Windows
Young Teacher Lado moves to the village, where he falls in love with Ketu,a young librarian, but Ketu has been engaged to a fellow villager since...
Morning Bells
Ночной визит
Fairy Tale