Produced by the highly acclaimed Michael Balcon, the story revolves around Robert, the son of the owner of a musical instrument factory. He is in...
Car of Dreams
Drama based on a play by Friedrich Wolf. Hete is pregnant, hoping to have a family with her fiancé Paul. When the factory where she and Paul...
In late nineteenth century Alfred Dreyfus, a French army officer of Jewish heritage, is falsely accused of espionage. Found guilty of treason he is...
The story of General Yorck von Wartenburg, a commander in the army of Prussian King Wilhelm, who defied the king's orders for the Prussian army to...
Der Hermelin
In this film, outspokenly homosexual filmmaker Rosa von Praunheim has documented his encounters with friends in the New York "underground" arts...
Underground and Emigrants
Comedy about an ambitious woman who starts working at a bank.
Poor as a Church Mouse
An ill-fated love affair between a brothel waitress and a doctor's son.
The Green Alley
Film by Georg Jacoby.
Moral und Liebe
15-year-old Moritz lives in a posh area of Hamburg, but his parents did not care about it. The teenager suffers from ridicule of his classmates and...
Moritz, Dear Moritz
An aging Southern Belle makes life horrible for her ambitious son and crippled daughter because of her dreams of what life should be.
The Glass Menagerie
Poor little Eva
A teenager finds his father is interested in the same girl he is.
Die Siebzehnjährigen
Lili, an unfortunate foster child, has a series of near misses and falls in love.
Die kleine Sklavin
Frau Sorge
Höhere Töchter
Das Erwachen des Weibes
Arme kleine Sif
"Assassination" - A far-right political organization called "Fellowship Loyalty" seeks contact with an easily seducable man whom she finds in Joachim...
An exploration of the misery of youth. A student, his friends, and the girl he loves all suffer due to the harsh and unforgiving nature of the adults...
Die Flammen lügen
Junges Blut
Girl dressed up as a boy falls in love with a painter.
Impetuous Youth
Die Sporck'schen Jäger
The relationship between a master painter and his longtime model begins to collapse after the former agrees to paint a portrait for a Russian...
From 1928 to 1943, Haus Vaterland was a large restaurant and entertainment palace in Berlin on Potsdamer Platz, originally run by Kempinksi, with...
Haus Vaterland
Ein Lebenskünstler
Wir armen kleinen Mädchen
"The Great Magician" - Max Reinhardt (1873-1943) was an Austrian theater and film director, director, theater producer and theater founder. With his...
Der große Zauberer - Max Reinhardt