Set in a futuristic world where the only sport that has survived in a wasted society is the brutal game known as jugging. Sallow, the leader of a...
The Blood of Heroes
In the future, a health nut and his tag-along girlfriend become trapped in a drive-in theater that has become a concentration camp for outcast youths.
Dead End Drive-In
Two women battle for control of an inner-city boxing school.
Dead to the World
The Pact
An incompetent rogue dentist travels from Australia to the UK, where he wreaks havoc on English teeth until the law catches up with him.
This Won't Hurt a Bit
Sample People is an upbeat dramatic thriller that follows four groups of Sydney-siders as they seek escape routes over one sweltering weekend. 'Len...
Sample People
In a climate change ravaged world in 2012, after 240 days without rain Sydney has only two weeks of water left. When the city is then ringed by...
John Stamford, an expatriate Australian, now a private detective in Singapore, becomes involved in a fake pharmaceuticals case and a dangerous love...
Singapore Sling
The film is a story of the ways in which insurance investigator Roland Copping interferes in and manipulates the lives of others with outrageous...