This film is an expression of the way of life of adolescents as told from the point of view of the teenagers themselves as they rebel against the...
Rini Tomboy
The story of the sexual exploits of three young metropolitan women: Fanny, Sandra, and Lisa. These three young women are fast friends. Fanny has...
Gadis Metropolis II
Set in Jakarta’s upper-middle-class milieu, the film tells the story of three young and stylish female friends, Lisa, Fanny, and Sandra. After...
Gadis Metropolis
Tony and Enny start up a car repair shop and develop a sibling-like bond. After winning a race with Ronggur, Tony gets Ronggur's girlfriend Lidya as...
Nafsu X
Febryan forbids his wife, Rowena, to work, so that she can get pregnant. But due to his busy schedule, they hardly find time to have sex, and they...
A love triangle between Desi, a designer, Alvin, a racer, and Novi, a female mechanic. Alvin maintains his relationship with Desi to get sponsors for...
Roda-roda Asmara di Sirkuit Sentul
Indonesian horror movie.
Passion at the Summit
Ivan saves Amanda from a gang rape and they start a forbidden affair, as he is married with a wife, Dona. Amanda refuses to acknowledge this and...
Adultery Punishment
Unable to make love to his wife, a man turns to a mysterious disco singer for help. She's able to cure his impotency but, when he attempts to go back...
Erotic Mystic
While on their honeymoon, a couple encounter a ghost.
Whisper of Lust