A desperate father, who has recently lost his job accepts the offer from a neafarious old friend to kidnap a pregnant woman for ransom, in order to...
Nollywood superstars Ramsey Nouah, Rita Dominic, and Chidi Mokeme headline this gripping drama set against the backdrop of the attempted 1976...
Kizito, a self righteous, legalist preacher is mandated to take a one month soul winning trip to Mboko, a dreaded and godless ghetto, to validate his...
Half Heaven
The film reflects on the struggle for power, money and the influential connections in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, can bridge the line between...
Abuja Connection
No Way Through follows the journey of Jolade Okeniyi, a single mother of a teenage daughter, who is trying to make ends meet. Jolade’s primary...
No Way Through
She fights for change alongside a determined team, igniting hope and healing in the midst of adversity.
Deafening Silence
An ex-car smuggler is given three hours to deliver a government official's daughter to her captor — or else his family will suffer the...
Young business man Michael has some kind of religious crisis. This weakness is exploited by a group of cackling witches. One of the witches - in her...
Married to a Witch
Determined to allow his traumatized daughter, who has been mute and almost completely immobile after her mother’s death, celebrate Christmas, a...
One Night Guests