The events revolve around the Rushdie Building in Alexandria, which revolves around a number of terrifying myths and tales, as it is rumored that it...
Roshdy Building
Four friends find themselves in an unexpected dilemma after one of them falls for their principal's daughter. They find themselves on the run from a...
In the wake of the 25th of January revolution, the authorities ask the Impersonator to take on the identity of the ousted president Mohamed Morsi and...
The Impersonator P2
A film highlighting the issue of street children and the marginalized social class living under the pressure of economic conditions in a shanty...
Until Things Get Better
The film revolves around three brothers of the same father, "Munir dangerous" . "Samir" (Ahmad Fahmy), is doubler of the artist Ahmed El Shakka in...
Samer & Shaher & Baher
Fish & Hook
When Tohamy Pasha, a producer, tries to find a way to evade taxes, his associate Wadi' comes up with an unusual idea: to produce a bad movie that the...
Ana Badi'a Ya Wadi'a
Ayman is a casting agent who lives a very liberal life. Hazem is a responsible man who lives a routine life with his wife and kids. As their...
Hold Your Position
Three young men create fake profiles on Facebook and they all befriend the same girl, which leads to a series of endless comic paradoxes.
Incantation 2
Living on the edges of Cairo’s Embabah neighborhood, several residents seek to better their circumstances following the January 25 Revolution.
The Republic Of Imbaba
The events take place in a comedic context, where a businesswoman named (Magda) is exposed to many harassments, but she survives her enemies’...
The Queen