Angel, a once vibrant beautiful Cree woman, becomes weary and spiritless after enduring viscous spiritual, physical, and emotional abuse from her...
Broken Angel
Beck, a single mom, lives in Six Nations, Canada. After her mother’s death, she abandons her dream of becoming a Mohawk language teach- er, and...
Run Woman Run
An Indigenous teenage boy fights through distorting realities as a family secret unravels.
Portraits from a Fire
Red Snow is a dramatic adventure that begins when Dylan, a Gwich'in soldier from the Canadian Arctic, is caught in an ambush in Panjwayi,...
Red Snow
Two estranged siblings return home to the sprawling ranch they once knew and loved in order to care for their ailing father.
Montana Story
Angela (Sera-Lys McArthur) and Henry (Matthew Kevin Anderson), a young Ottawa couple with a baby on the way, embark on a short trip north to the Cree...
Angela’s Shadow
WaaPaKe is a story about resilience, love and transformation. Examined through an Indigenous lens, the stories of residential school...
WaaPaKe (Tomorrow)