A story following the journey of Sara, a young woman struggling after losing her boyfriend, Thomas, to suicide. As Sara accompanies Thomas's...
I Hope You Know
The enigmatic resurrection, rampage, and retribution of an undead monster in a remote wilderness unleashes an iconic new killer after a locket is...
In a Violent Nature
CIA operative Ryan Drake is hoping to recover a valuable CIA asset and must infiltrate a heavily fortified base in order to do so. Unknown to Drake,...
Rogue Elements: A Ryan Drake Story
Diana Parker learns that a home intruder is none other than her biological daughter, given up for adoption years ago. However, they soon discover...
Our Mother's Secret Affair
David misses his ring-necked dove. It was his pet, his solace, and to remember the little creature he loved, he insists on adding its ashes to ink...
Ring Neck
As August creeps in, Nav forms an intimate bond with an audacious painter and a middle-aged laser tag owner. Just as he begins to find himself,...
Flower Boy
Three best friends spend a night drinking and dancing, postponing an inevitable end.
We'll Be Alright
A 12-year-old girl becomes jealous when her adoptive father develops a budding relationship with a woman and her teenage son.
Daddy's Perfect Little Girl
A retelling of the events in Rogue Elements from Dietrich's perspective.
Dietrich's Day Out