Darmi, an unfaithful married woman, uses a magical charm to preserve her youth. Once her husband finds out what she's been up to (which includes...
Antidote for Witchcraft
An evil wizard unleashes a legion of worms on an innocent village. These worms can burrow into the skin and take control of the person. Later in the...
Leech Wizard
A down on his luck man, who eventually loses his job, his wife and his home, seeks help from a "tuyul;" a small ghost or an imp believed to be able...
Little Devil
After the success of Tuyul, the same main cast returned for this first sequel. Sol Soleh wanders into a cave filled with small statues of tuyuls...
Female Imp
A comedy film about two twins who were separated since childhood. Napi and Pinarto. Funny and silly incidents occur because of many misunderstandings.
Benyamin Si Abunawas