In Line tells the story of an ex-felon, who gets a second chance to be a loving husband to his adorable wife, but is still a prisoner to his violent...
In Line
A young rebellious heir from a wealthy family is sent away to National Service in Northern Nigeria. Things don't quite go according to plan as the...
Up North
A group of friends who each have to navigate their own destiny, growing up on the bustling streets and neighborhood of Isale Eko, Lagos.
Gangs of Lagos
Four years later Chike has barely come to terms with her life as Agent, when she is forced to risk everything she holds dear once again to go after a...
The Set Up 2
Three couples, each in different phases of romance, head to Ibadan for a fun and frisky holiday. But secrets soon spill, causing trouble in paradise.
Couple of Days
A young woman gets more than she bargains for and is drawn into a web of deceit when she is hired by a socialite to assist with his scheme to marry a...
The Set Up
Muna and her grandmother are the last surviving member of their family. Muna’s driving desire to provide a better life for herself and...
Mezu discovers he's trapped in a time loop in Nigeria. To his surprise, his colleague Kamsi is in the same predicament. Together with their friends...