Yeon-gyu is a teenage boy who wants to escape his hometown where violence is commonly enacted among neighbors. He only hopes to have a peaceful life...
Caught up in anxiety, eight-year-old Chul in school tells his teacher that he is going to the bathroom but runs straight home.
'Monster Cop' Ma Seok-do investigates an illegal online gambling business led by a former STS Baek and an IT genius CEO Chang. Ma proposes an...
The Roundup: Punishment
Kwon Yeon-woo is a thirty year old low-level civil servant who works in a district office; quite innocent for his age, he has been on numerous blind...
Hello, Schoolgirl
Oh Dong-sik is the completely rigid character who has always led a text-book life. Dong-sik is threatened by loan sharks when his mother signs up for...
Mr. XXX-Kisser
For the first time in Korean history, the mayor of Seoul attempts a third term in office, with his entire campaign team ready to soil their hands.
The Mayor
The friendship between a lawyer who will do anything to make money and a nursing home volunteer.
Man of Men
75-year-old Cho Nam-bong and 71-year-old Lee Mae-ja are a couple suffering with dementia. After being married for 45 years, the couple couldn’t...
After barely surviving a violent attack by an elusive serial killer, crime boss Jang Dong-su finds himself forming an unlikely partnership with local...
The Gangster, the Cop, the Devil