Michio Yamada, a recent school graduate, is sent to Tokyo to work as a fruit-packer in a department store as part of a government programme. He takes...
Live Today, Die Tomorrow!
Japan Beauty Story
Japan Beauty Story: A Woman Among Women
The film is set in Karafuto after the radio broadcast of the Imperial Rescript on the Termination of the War. On August 15, 1945, Soviet forces...
Karafuto 1945 Summer
Shimo-ochiai Yakitori Movie
A teenage drama film about Makiko Hayashi, a top student who is aiming to get into University of Tokyo, together with a group of other students. She...
Gakuen-sai no yoru: Amai taiken
This biopic is centered on New Year's Day of 1894, when Kitamura is recovering from a suicide attempt. Japan is then under the spell of fervent...
Kitamura Tokoku: My Winter Song