A special preview special released a few weeks before Kamen Rider Gavv's premiere, which revealed new details and unreleased footage featuring the...
Start Up!! Kamen Rider Gavv
In order to defeat the Granute, Shoma will use new Gochizo to transform into a new form and assist! These new Gochizo are the Kungfu Ramen Gochizo...
Kamen Rider Gavv: Gourmet Snacks and Woo!-mai Wakamen!!
The story takes place at Shido Academy, a boarding school for boys, and centers on Hayama Takumi, a lonely and shy boy who suffers from an extreme...
Takumi-kun Series 6: The Morning of the Beginning of a Long, Long Story.
Japanese society is without ideals - Two men and one woman, who grew up in a religious organization in , meet again and question their own ideals.
Breath of Rokkasho
Luca follows in his father's footsteps to rescue his mother from evil Ladja. Finding the heavenly hero who wields the Zenithian sword is his only...
Dragon Quest: Your Story
The currently untitled Kamen Rider Gavv summer movie, which was announced by Toei as part of their 2025 movie line-up.
Untitled Kamen Rider Gavv Summer Movie