Set during Japan's Shogun era, this film looks at life in a samurai compound where young warriors are trained in swordfighting. A number of...
30 year old Yoko Sasaki (Arisa Mizuki) works diligently at a publishing company. She then receives the unexpected news that she is pregnant. Having...
Baby, Baby, Baby!
What the customer left behind in the cab is a passport that opens the door to nightmares and horror. After a collision, Nagashi Kawatome is rushed...
Spooky Taxi: Beware the Windy Night Road!
Ash, Pikachu and the gang try and stop a pair of thieves hiding out in the canals and alleyways of Altomare, the age-old water capital. Joining the...
Pokémon Heroes
Flighty young nurse Izumi Asakura longs to have her honeymoon in a far off tropical paradise but her doctor husband feels that he cannot afford to...
Leave It to the Nurses