A youth drama based on the first Yankee novel by Fuyuki Shindo, starring Hiromi Sakimoto, who is popular as a member of the Hexagon family. Aiming to...
V-Cinema film featuring the talents of the comedy duo Dienoji
Dragon of Ao - War of Reversal
Toji Seryo is a popular first year high school student. It's well known that Toji Seryo will date anyone that confesses their affection for him on a...
Seven Days: Friday - Sunday
Takumi and Gii are now a couple, but Takumi is still uncomfortable with showing affection. Not only that, but Takumi grows jealous when Gii starts...
Takumi-kun Series: The Rainbow-Colored Glass
It's June of their third year of high school, and Takumi has an important anniversary to attend back in his hometown. He wants to invite Gii along...
Takumi-kun Series: That, Sunny Blue Sky
A 2nd year student is assigned a handsome new roommate at the start of the school year.
Takumi-kun Series: And the Spring Breeze Whispers
Unlike the three previous films, Pure focuses on the relationship between Misu Arata and Shingyouji Kanemitsu , which begins when Shingyouji takes...
Takumi-kun Series: Pure
Another school year is starting. Upon meeting up with Gii, Takumi is worried when it turns out Gii has changed, suddenly acting cold and distant....
Takumi-kun Series: Details of Beauty
Seven Days: Monday - Thursday
On that fateful day, during the Global Freeze, Countdown to Global Freeze tells the story of Kamen Rider Protodrive, and how he came to be.
Kamen Rider Drive: Type ZERO! Episode 0 - Countdown to Global Freeze
Tokyo Ghost Trip
Ikemen Bank The Movie
Omnibus horror movie.
Tezuka Makoto no horâ shiatâ: Za bâsudei