The story centers on an elderly hibakusha, whose husband was one of 80,000 human beings killed in the 1945 atomic bombing of Nagasaki, caring for her...
Rhapsody in August
A Japanese salaryman finds his body transforming into a weapon through sheer rage after his son is kidnapped by a gang of violent thugs.
Tetsuo II: Body Hammer
Hoodlum Soldier: Looting and Pillaging
Roman Porno from 1971. Sequel to Coed Report: Yuko's White Breasts (1971).
Coed Report: Blooming Yuko
After the Japanese defeat to the Russians, Kaji leads the last remaining men through Manchuria. Intent on returning to his dear wife and his old...
The Human Condition III: A Soldier's Prayer
Tobimaru is the young emperor of Japan. He meets a mysterious woman named Tomamo. After successfully seducing Tobimaru, she brings great misfortune...
The Fox With Nine Tails
A group of friends try to find success in corporate Japan.
You Can Succeed, Too
A former call girl who is now married to a sick older man is drawn into adultery with deadly consequences.
Call Girl: Lust Cage
Years after the death of legendary tea master Rikyu, his disciple Honkakubo attempts to resolve the mystery of the master's death.
Death of a Tea Master
A young journalist interviews an elderly woman about being forced into prostitution in Borneo at a brothel called Sandakan No. 8.
Sandakan No. 8
Saori is a young woman struggling to make her way in life. Her gay father, Himiko, had abandoned Saori and her mother years before. Now her father's...
House of Himiko
Set in the time of steam locomotives and covering a period of almost 30 years, this sensitive film tells the story of the wife of a railroad worker...
The Far Road
Reiko is an adulterous housewife whose lover is a foul-tempered yakuza gangster. After one of her husband's friends spies the amorous duo at a...
Affair at Twilight
When a US army sergeant is found drowned in Tokyo Bay, an investigation is launched to determine how and why he lost his life. The investigation...
A Chain of Islands
A survivor of the tragic mass suicides on Tokashiki Island in 1945 falls in love with a near-mute motorcycle engineer.
The Gentle Japanese
Shimada is a student of U College. When the college's baseball team wins the day, he and his friend Ito drug two girls they met at the game.
Punishment Room
TV film about the "Nishiyama Incident", a scandal surrounding the 1972 return of Okinawa to Japan. Produced to commemorate the 20th anniversary of TV...
Secret Agreement: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Secret Leak Incident