Magically gifted boy Sasuke lives in peace, deep in the forest with his animal pals and Oyu, his elder sister. After their forest sanctuary is...
Magic Boy
Sekki shichihenge
In this exciting story, Sasuke Sarutobi, known as the bravest child in the world, fulfills the will of his father, growing up strong and correct, and...
Kid Magician Sasuke
The 40th and final "Tengu Kurama" feature starring Kanjuro Arashi.
Gale Winds! Tengu Karama
Movie directed by Sadatsugu Matsuda
Wakasama samurai torimonochō o keshō kumo
Ninth and final film in the Boy Detectives Club series. Features Tatsuo Umemiya's film debut.
The Boy Detectives Club – The Enemy Is an Atomic Submarine
1954 Japanese film starring professional wrestler Rikidozan.
Rikidozan no tetsuwan kyojin
The serial killing of a samurai each night by strangulation at various temples confounds investigators and brings a chill to the residents of Edo....
Case of Umon: The Nanbanzame Murders
One of Japan’s most popular folklore characters, Tange Sazen, the one-eyed and one-armed swordsman, must rescue the Yagyu clan from the...
Secret of The Golden Spell
In this film in the long running series, Tange Sazen and his friends are asked to guard a dragon-shaped incense burner that holds the key to hidden...
Tange Sazen: Mystery of the Twin Dragons
After their father quarrels with local military men, Anju and Zushio are forced to flee, but they are captured and sold into slavery. When their...
The Orphan Brother
Japanese drama film.
Mother Peacock
The 3rd Moonlight Mask movie from the 50s.
Moonlight Mask: Claws of Satan
An adaptation of the popular Sazae-San comic strip.
Sazae-san Sequel
An adaptation of the popular Sazae-san comic strip. The first entry in Toho's Sazae-san series.
Adaptation of the popular Sazae-San comic strip. The first entry in the series shot in color.
Teenage Sazae
An adaptation of the popular Sazae-San comic strip. The first entry in the series shot in TohoScope.
Sazae's Engagement Trip
Sedge Hat
The Black Hooded Man 5
The Black Hooded Man in Peril
The Black Hooded Man Rides Again
1958 Japanese movie
Shōjo to fūsen