A series of tragic events unfolds after Chang Chi-Mao's daughter goes missing as an infant. Chang becomes consumed by revenge against a powerful...
Organ Child
Ah Dai comes from a family that runs a prestigious orthodox temple. His childhood sweetheart, Yufan, is desperate to locate her missing aunt. In his...
Xiang Wei-xin, a 17-year-old high school sophomore, regards eating as the most important and most healing thing in life. The first time she met her...
My Best Friend's Breakfast
Xiao Hong is a shy 29-year-old man who works in an aquarium fish store and lets his overprotective mother boss him around in all aspects of his life....
Mama Boy
Seven year-old Taipei girl Pearl is shunted off to Kaohsiung to stay with her grandmother while her parents deal with work and business back in...
Life is Wonderful
Shot entirely on an LED volume stage powered by virtual production technology, this is a film inspired by Taiwanese artist SUN Pei-mao paintings. A...
Be Natural
Mei is a beautiful and successful woman in many ways. However, her romantic relationships never go well. One day, Mei’s widowed father tells...
Lost in Perfection
To the people of Paiwan, one of Taiwan's indigenous tribes, Shamanism is an important part of their culture. However, a decline in the number of...
This film is a film about the relationship between Chou Ta-Long and his son Dong, the transformation and growth of the decadent father's attitude...
See You at the Rally
Weaving two stories set 30 years apart, First of May is about a middle-aged man looking back at his teenage years, dreaming of his first and possibly...
First of May
A story about a karaoke-addicted old woman struggling with her self-worth and a sense of betrayal at her long-lost husband's funeral where she...
Little Big Women
Mole of Life