Fred, a young British sailor who accidentually finds himself in the USSR and after a number of comic adventures he, attracted by Soviet youth...
The Nice Life
At the "Pupky" station, an opportunity occurs: two illegal passengers - guinea pigs - have to be disembarked from one of the trains, since animals...
Pigs Will Be Pigs
A group of 6th grade school children master their everyday lives. Van'ka has inventive talent, but he can't cope in class. His loyal friend...
Congratulations on Your Promotion
The life was cruel with Ivas. The landlord sent him at war, and his girlfriend – in the house of ill fame. In the troops an ordinary peasant...
The film attempts to display an episode of the liberation movement in Ukraine - the uprising of Kolievs (serfs, artisans and fishermen) against the...
The Czarina Commands
A peasant visits the DneproGES construction. Agitprop film about industrialisation and Dnieper Hydroelectric Station construction.
Night Raids
This revolutionary epic likens the push for industrialization of Soviet Ukraine with the battle for Perekop during the Civil War. A missing plow...
An adaptation of a story by a Ukrainian writerMikhailo Kotsyubinsky that anticipates the Ukrainian "poetic cinema" of the '60s in its focus on...
The Horse That Cried
Pravo ottsov
The year 1929. A “shock worker” from a tractor plant visits a film studio premises and is furious to see fake stage designs for a kitsch...
Blown Up Days